Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What you do for your kids...

You potentially ruin your favorite non-maternity bathing suit...

Emmeline has been asking for swim lessons. So, in the midst of potty-training issues of the #2 variety, we held out swim lessons as the carrot. Well, yesterday, after pooping on the potty twice with no accidents, we decided to go ahead and sign her up. Lessons will start next week, but today was open swim. Knowing that this may be a possibility, I splurged on a maternity swim suit top but decided that I would try to get by with the black bottoms that I already had. Well, today, about 5 minutes before walking out the door with my very excited and appropriately rewarded three-year-old, I discovered then remembered that I gave those black bottoms to the salvation army at the end of last season because they were a "little big"...bahahaha. So what to do? Squeeze into the non-maternity one piece that I own...and I mean SQUEEZE; like the boys were not pleased. But it worked and we had fun. The water provided some relief from the weight, but, ironically, it increased the heartburn - like it allowed my stomach to float higher or something.

Here's a pic:

I have an appointment tomorrow. I'm really curious to find out what's going on in there. Is my intuition right? Have things started moving? Or is it just my inner pessimist showing her ugly face? Updates tomorrow.

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