Day 12, Tuesday, April 16th:
Wow, busy, busy day, I took care of both boys for about 6 hours. Not 24 hours, not a week, but 6 HOURS. And I was amazed how busy it actually was. The nurse reminded me of something, though. She said that everything in the nicu takes extra time because there are still tubes and wires to work around. It takes a lot of extra time to get them undressed and dressed, change a diaper, etc.. It even takes extra time to get them in and out of their isolet.
It was bath day for both. Both got sponge baths. Both had some good bottle feeds. And either one or both got some kangaroo time...cant remember. Alex had to stay home because we were getting some new carpet installed. Yes, we set up a couple of home improvement projects because, you know, the twins weren't coming until around May 6th. We considered postponing them, but then decided that there will not be a "good time" for a long, long time. Alex did come up and have lunch with me and the boys.
It was a special day for Emmeline - she was "star of the week" at preschool...which means she gets to show off a bunch of her pictures, pick helpers, be first in line, etc.. We continued her special day by skipping evening nicu hours and going out for ice cream.
Good day.
Day 12, Emmeline "star of the week" at preschool:
Day 12, Evan pre and post bath:
Day 12, Oliver pre and post bath:
Day 13, Wednesday, April 17th:
For the first time, I headed up extra early this morning because I knew we were going to have a busy day and I wanted some alone time with the boys. The nicu is a pretty peaceful place at 6AM. Got to do the 7AM feeds and have some good cuddle time. A nice visit from Auntie Lauren and then Alex's dad and Susan. John and Susan got to meet them for the first time and hold Evan.
Emmeline had a playdate in the nicu with her friend Olivia. I think it was fun for her. They played for awhile in the play area, shared a cookie, saw the babes, etc..
In medical news, the physical therapist did initial evaluations on both boys. The result is that both boys show some weak muscle tone, which is not unusual with preemies. She didn't see anything that may be specific to the twin-to-twin transfusion, which is good. What this all means is that she will come once a week and work with them, in addition to teaching us some exercises for them. They will probably be followed by PT for some time.
Also, we were told that because the boys are so stable, we may be moved to a step down floor in the near future. This is good news as it is an indicator of their continued good health, however, it will be sad to leave the awesome staff in the nicu. No definite date on the move.
I also asked the nurses if we could put them on alternating feed schedules so that we could feed them both. So Evan now feed at 9, 12, 3, 6 and Oliver feeds at 10, 1, 4, 7.
Emmeline had swim lessons tonight. And when everyone got home, we had Thai and a Big Sister to Twins celebration. Emmeline enjoyed her chocolate cake.
Day 13, Emmeline's playdate with Olivia in the nicu:
Day 13, Emmeline's "Big sister of twins" celebration:
Day 13, Evan:
Day 13, Oliver:
They are so cute! How sweet that you had a cake for your daughter:)