Monday, April 15, 2013

Nicu Days 10 and 11

Day 10, Sunday, April 14, 2013:

Knowing that they usually run late with rounding, we delayed are arrival till about 10AM today (we have been heading up there around 9ish). We started our day by giving Oliver a bath for the first time. Alex held him in a tiny pink basin, and I bathed him. He seemed to enjoy it. We had an interesting discussion with the nurses about the frequency of baths. Apparently, the hospital mandates that nicu babies get bathed every two days. Three nurses told us that they thought that was too much, that every three days would be more appropriate. So we may tell them that's what we want.

Oliver took a huge amount of his bottle for the 10AM feed...22ccs! He is up to 42ccs now, which is a little over a ounce and a third. I fed Evan at his 1PM feeding and although he seemed to take a lot, he quickly barfed it all up. They are getting there. They are 34 weeks gestational age today, so the feedings should start to go better. Oliver showed some interest in the boob yesterday and I hope to have some appointments with lactation this week. Evan might be a little longer before he takes the boob. I tried today and got the nipple in his mouth, but then he just got wide-eyed and stared at me. I'm sure these boys will love reading about my breastfeeding experiences when they are 18 years old. lol.

My milk production is going well...if I only had one baby to feed. After a trip to the milk bank, I realize that I'm going to need to step it up. Yesterday was Day 10, and they had just finished going through Day 7 milk - only 3 days ahead! Since I realistically can't pump more than every 2-3 hours (which is what I am averaging), I am going to start the teas today along with a couple "power pumping" sessions.

We had some visitors today - Uncle Mark and Aunt Cathy, Uncle Rodge and Aunt Barb and Sandra and McKenzie. Emmeline stayed home with my mom because she had a cough and sniffles. She had a great time and is adjusting so well to staying with my mom, which eases our stress so much.

Today was the first day I felt that post-birth fog. I remember the same fog with Emmeline....that underlying exhaustion that is not going to get resolved for several months. But I'm happy and my children are thriving - all three of them...still can't wrap my head around that!

Day 10 Oliver's bath:

Day 10 Visitors:

Day 10 Oliver:

Day 10 Evan:

Day 11, Monday, April 15, 2013:

We took a little time off from the nicu today, only going up for a little in the morning (so my dad could meet them) and in the evening, so Emmeline could hold Evan for the first time. This week promises to be busy as we become more and more involved in the boy's care. They continue to do fantastic. I can't wait to get Oliver on the breast, as I am definitely developing a love/hate relationship with this pump. The weather was great today, close to 70 degrees, so we spent some outdoor time with Emmeline at the park. Wow, was that nice. Although she really impresses me (and all the nurses, for that matter) during our visits to the nicu. She gets the biggest kick out of having one of the many snacks that I have stocked for her in their rooms, and she also very much likes walking independently between there rooms. She has a nicu bag, filled with stuff of her choosing...but really, she is most interested in her bros while we're there. Life is good...totally exhausting, but good.

Day 11 Emmeline holding Evan:

Day 11 Dad visiting the boys:

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